Section 5: Matching Methods to Styles

IDevice Icon Objectives

Have you been keeping track? At the beginning of this module, we listed some objectives that you would accomplish by the end of the program. We are getting close to the end! How are you doing? Here's a recap of the objectives we have covered:

  • Define learning style
  • List and describe the three main theories of learning style
  • Complete assessments to identify your personal learning style
  • Outline internal and external factors that affect learning
  • Describe the importance of scheduling for studying
  • List three study strategies for each learning style
  • Outline at least five strategies you can use to improve your personal study habits
By this point in the class, you should be pretty comfortable with objectives 1 through 5. We've touched on number six (listing study strategies for each learning style) briefly a few times, but this section really focuses on that. You'll also create a personal study plan in this section that should include the five strategies that will help you improve your study habits. YAY!! You're almost done with this module!!
If there are any points that seem unclear to you, now's a good time to look back at previous lessons, get some help from a mentor, or email me (you'll find contact info in the "About the Author" section at the bottom of the outline).


Understanding learning styles and knowing the best times and places and ways to study won't help you at all if you don't match your study strategies to your learning style.  This section will help you apply all that the module has been teaching. 

Of course, ultimately, the application part is up to you.  All of the head knowledge in the world about study habits and learning style won't help you improve your grades if you don't take action.  The end of the section will guide you in putting together a personal study plan that you can use to change your habits.    

(c) 2010 Sandy Fleming